
Jessica Simpson I'm more confident about my body now

Simpson: New Beau, New OutlookJessica Simpson has been the subject of cruel comments about her weight and appearance. Read on to learn how she's gaining her confidence back!

Jessica Simpson is accepting her body

Few celebrities receive more brutal scrutiny on their weight fluctuations than singer and reality star Jessica Simpson. Now, she's speaking out in hopes of encouraging other women to love themselves for who they are.

The cruel taunting has taken its toll on Simpson.

"There's no way you're not going to be affected by the ugly things people say about you," she told USA Today. "It's very hurtful. It definitely brings up a lot of your own insecurities."

30: a turning point

Simpson credits her positive outlook to maturity and a strong relationship with her family.

"The moment I turned 30, I really did feel a switch in my life … I had this coming of age moment … I love the woman inside of me," she said

And her family, including sister Ashlee Simpson-Wentz, is there help boost her self-esteem when she needs it.

"It takes a great family and wonderful friends – and love definitely helps, too -- to get through it."

Boyfriend love

Simpson is also quick to gush about her relationship with New Orlean's Saints football player Eric Johnson.

"I'm the most confident I've ever been," she said of her relationship with Johnson. "[He] brings out a lot of light in me."

Simpson jumped into the relationship with both feet and she's got marriage on her mind -- though not right away.

"[I] definitely dreamed of being married my whole life and having children, so hopefully that's in my future."

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